Agape Missionary Baptist Church
Agape began as a ministry in July 2001 and is a ministry that is centered in the Word of God. We like to describe our ministry as a O.I.L. Pouring Ministry / Operating In Love. Agape is concerned with the total person and believes that the Word of God has the power to transform people.
We seek to ministry through various ministries and a Contemporary Worship Experience in a casual dress attire. We show “Agape Love” genuine love to each person who visits us and we never want a person to leave feeling like a stranger.

Christian beliefs not only guide our thinking but also direct our behavior. In our day, we desperately need men and women of integrity, people who are living examples of Biblical values. The Holy Spirit gradually transforms us into the likeness of Christ Himself. Christian beliefs build Christian character.

Finally, and most importantly, Christian beliefs help us draw near to God. As we look into the Scriptures, we come to know the Author of Scripture. Biblical truths become a window in the heart and mind of God. In our day, there is a wishy-washy relativism that masquerades as faith. It states, ” [It doesn’t matter what you believe, just as long as you believe.” “All roads lead to God.” “The important thing is to be sincere.”] This is not true. If we know what we believe, we will resist these shallow claims. God is personal and seeks a continuing love relationship with us that is real and personal. He has told us about Himself and what He requires of us. All the rich knowledge of God is expressed through our Christian beliefs.

If we approach the Scriptures with humility and a willing heart, Christian beliefs will strengthen our faith and ignite our souls. We welcome you to the Agape Family. Our doors are always open to you.